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Doing it Yourself vs a Professional Rendering Service

  • Adam Christie

    6 years ago
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There may be several reasons why a homeowner or investor chooses to render their property. House rendering is the perfect way to improve the appearance of the exterior of your home and can give a dull and discoloured home a fresh, new look.

Apart from the decorative nature of rendering the front of a house, there are also some other benefits. Mainly, it provides your home with the insulation it needs to keep the weather outside.

A render is also ideal for homeowners or investors who are thinking of improving the appearance of the property before putting it on the market or maybe, you want to give your home a new look during spring cleaning.

Whatever the reason for the render might be, there is always one question that is going to stump most people. Whether you should call a professional or go at it alone. While house rendering isn’t rocket science, there are quite a few factors that need to be considered before making your final decision.

Homeowners who have never tried doing any repairs around the house should stay away from attempting to render their own home, for obvious reasons. However, those who do feel they have a handyman hidden inside them should consider the following;

Skill Level

Since the render sticks almost effortlessly to the wall, one might make a mistake to think that an external house rendering is easy. It is important to note, that while the render may stick easily on the wall, it will require a certain level of skill to make the end result acceptable.

This means, the level of acceptability varies from person to person. What’s may be considered acceptable to one person, might not be regarded as acceptable to another person or a potential buyer in case you’re a real estate investor.

Failing to get the rendering right cannot only spell disaster for you as a homeowner since you will have to live in a home with the external rendering done all wrong, which will be embarrassing.

But, also because not being able to do justice to the house rendering will significantly de-value your home.

The fact of the matter is that house rendering is hard work. It takes time, and it takes patience, and even more importantly, it takes skill. What makes rendering an external wall difficult for those who have never done it before is that you will have to first pick a section, aka a whole side of a wall, and then render it all in one go.

Let’s put that in perspective for the uninitiated. An average bag of render weighs around 15kgs.

Once you’ve added water to it, that’s gone up to 25kgs. You will need at least 10 to 12 bags of render for each wall. So, now you should be honest with yourself. Are you physically capable for the task at hand?

Then, you are also going to need the right tools for the job. Sure, you can buy as many tools as you want from the local hardware store. But, there’s going to be a big difference between the quality of tools you are going to find in the hardware store, and the tools that are used by professional rendering services who do this for a living.

Only a professional rendering service will have the right tools for the job that will give you the results you need.

Size of Job

Those who want to go the DIY route need to consider the time it will take to complete a render. Those who have a regular 9 to 5 job will not be able to render their home themselves. If the house rendering you require has any two storey parts, you are going to need scaffolding.

Along with other additional tools that will help you get the rendering right, especially at the corners where you will have to be extra careful not to mess up the finish.

Depending on the size of the exterior wall you need to render and the amounts of cracks you will have to fill, it may take quite a while. Rendering the wall for the first few minutes may feel fine, but once the render starts to get heavy, the task will become that much harder for you, especially if you haven’t had any prior experience in rendering a home.

It’s not unheard of for homeowners to try the DIY approach to rendering their home only to give up in frustration halfway through.

To stay safe from having to pay any additional costs and getting an end result that’s far from what you’ve seen in the magazines, its best to hire a professional rendering service who will have experienced technicians and experts who have spent years perfecting the art of rendering, and pay attention to detail so that you can get the perfect results for your house rendering project.

Ending Note

For those homeowners or real estate investors who have deep pockets and do not mind the additional costs that may occur as a result of going the DIY route for external house rendering, it will be wise to take care of any soft tasks which you are confident you can do properly, and leave the heavy lifting to the professionals.

Make no mistake; when it comes to house rendering, a single error is going to make you regret you tried to render your house. It will also significantly add to the cost to render a house, which is only going to add to your expenses.

What’s more, paying more for the rendering just because you wanted to do it yourself will mean that you will not be making any profit when the time comes to sell the property since you will have already paid nearly double of the external house rendering cost if you had hired a professional rendering services such as House Rendering HQ.

Even if you think your home does not need to be rendered, you can still hire a professional rendering service to render your home to improve its appearance and improve your quality of living.  Book your Free Quote Here!

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