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Renovate or Relocate: Which is Better?

  • Adam Christie

    6 years ago
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Are you a homeowner who’s not sure whether to renovate or relocate? You’re not the only one. Making the decision to either renovate or relocate from your current abode is a tough question, especially if you’ve grown used to the location of your home, the neighbourhood, the local community and all the amenities that you may or may not find elsewhere.

All these factors play an important role when deciding if you should invest in house rendering or simply relocate to another. But, there are several other factors that every homeowner must know of before they make this important decision.

The following line are going to be all about what a homeowner in Adelaide should consider when faced with the question of either relocating or renovating their current home.

Keep Your Future Plans in Mind

One of the most important questions to be asking yourself if you are stuck with the question of whether or not you should renovate or relocate from your home is if you have any plans that will have an immediate effect on your living space.

For instance, maybe you plan on getting married, or starting a family, or maybe you’ve got older kids who are getting ready to leave home for college? It’s important to keep in mind any future decisions which will require you to sell your current home.

If you are thinking of relocating in the not-so-distant-future then ask yourself if you are not “over-improving” by upgrading to a modern rendered house.

Do You Need More Rooms?

The need for space is oftentimes a motivator for relocating for many homeowners. If you need more space in your current home, then asking yourself whether you need the additional space in the form of another room or additional square footage?

If all you need is an additional room, then a home’s floor plan can usually be reconfigured to add in the extra room and allow your family to make better use of your living space, in which case, going for a renovation is going to be a good idea.

If you lay down the floor plan with a designer and find out that it’s not working out for you, then relocating will be the best option to get that additional space. Even if you plan on reselling your home to move in to a larger one, professional rendering services, such as those provided by House Rendering HQ can liven up the exterior of your current home so you can get a better price once you put it on the market.

The Duration of the Renovation

One factor that leads to many homeowners considering relocating instead is if their current home is in need of extensive renovations. Since extensive renovations will take a long time to complete and will require a long-term commitment of time and energy, which is something most homeowners do not have, relocating is oftentimes considered as a safer option.

However, if you’re a homeowner who is just looking for front house rendering, then there won’t be any need to relocate, since rendering is a process that can be completed within weeks.

Unlike other renovations around the home, such as remodelling the kitchen or plumbing or ductwork, which requires months to complete, a rendering procedure can be completed a lot sooner, and will not require the long-term commitment of both time and energy by the homeowner.

Will You Earn Back the Upfront Costs of the Renovation?

If you plan on external house rendering, then you will have to be sure you will get back the money you spend on the renovations once you put the home up for sale. Before you plan to remodel your home, its best to determine the return on investment you can expect when reselling your home.

It will be wise to determine the average return on investment for the renovations that you have in mind. It is important to note that most home renovations will not lead to the homeowner getting a higher price for their home, as compared to other similar properties in the neighbourhood.

This is why homeowners need to be smart when it comes to renovating their homes, and the amount of renovation they are looking for.

With that said, home renovations such as external house rendering offer homeowners with a good ROI since they are ideal for homeowners who are looking to resell their home, or are just looking to spruce up the outside appearance of their home.

Do You Really Need to Relocate?

Before relocating, it’s important to consider the reasons that have brought you to asking the question, “Will it be better to renovate or relocate?” It could be that you are having problems with your neighbours, or that you are living in an area where there aren’t any good schools.

If that’s the case, then you really have no choice but to relocate to get you the peace of mind you need. But, if the reason for you to move out is just because you don’t like the appearance of the exterior of your home then there’s an easy solution.

It’s called house rendering, and it’s something that’s gaining a lot of popularity in South Australia, especially in Adelaide. If you are planning to move out of your current home just because you don’t like the dull look or the brickwork of the exterior then all you need to do is hire the right processionals who can completely transform your home.

For instance, house rendering service providers such as House Rendering HQ, are an Adelaide-based company that’s been providing top quality rendering services to residents for years and can hook you up to a sweet deal that will completely transform the outer appearance of your home.

Ending Note

When considering external house rendering, it is important not to end up over capitalising on the property, which will only lead to your loss. Homeowners who are looking to renovate their homes need to be realistic about what to expect in terms of re-sale value for their property.

The best way to find out the potential value of your home after the rendering has been completed is by investigating other similar homes in the neighbourhood and find out their prices. This will get you a good idea of what you should expect if you are rendering your home to put it out on the market.

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